Figure 6.
Results for frequency. Corresponding axial, coronal and sagittal slices (top to bottom) of (A) mean dose difference maps and regions of significant dose difference determined by permutation test, (B) uni-voxel Cox regression HR and p-value maps and (C) multi-voxel Cox regression LASSO HR maps (with uni-voxel or permutation test p-values for comparison), for respective data sets. The slices chosen for display are those which coincide with the most dominant emergent dose-endpoint patterns, indicated in corresponding planes with dashed lines. Tones of red correspond to regions where increased dose is associated with incidence of frequency (HR > 1), while tones of blues correspond to regions where reduced dose is associated with incidence of frequency (HR < 1). The CTV is delineated in orange while the bladder and rectum are delineated in yellow. Anatomical directions left (L), right (R), superior (S), inferior (I), anterior (A), and posterior (P) are also indicated.