Table 5.
Cohorts in which delayed neurological deficits were examined after experimental SAH
Species | SAH method | Neurological assessment method | DND rate | Onset of DND (days after SAH) | Neurological signs | Refs. |
Rat | CMI | Grade based on motor function | ? | 3–5 | Average grade worsened | [16] |
Rabbit | CMI | Grade based on consciousness and activity | 2/7 (29%) | 4, 6 | Average grade worsened | [90] |
Cat | CMI | Grade based on consciousness and activity | 6/21 (29%) | 3–5 | Average grade worsened | [99] |
Pig | CMI | Qualitative based on motor function, consciousness and activity | 4/8 (50%) | 3–4 | Unable to walk (n = 2), paraparesis (n = 1), loss of appetite followed by forelimb paresis (n = 1) | [126] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on consciousness | 1/8 (13%) | 8 | Reduced level of consciousness, death | [140] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on consciousness and activity | 2/7 (29%) | 5–6 | Decreased activity (n = 1), reduced level of consciousness (n = 1) | [134] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on motor deficit | 1/8 (13%) | 5 | Hemiparesis | [131] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on motor deficit | 1/12 (8%) | 5 | Hemiparesis | [130] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on motor deficit | 2/8 (25%) | 3, 5 | Ataxia, death (n = 1), hemiparesis followed by contralateral monoparesis (n = 1) | [129] |
Primate | PVC | Qualitative based on motor deficit | 1/15 (7%) | 4 | Hemiparesis | [127] |
Primate | PCI | Qualitative based on motor deficit, consciousness and activity | 2/25 (8%) | Days 4 and 17 | Unsteadiness and drowsiness (n = 1), apathy (n = 1) | [144] |
Cohorts are sorted by species followed by SAH method. DND rate indicates % of animals in the cohort that developed DND
CMI cisterna magna blood injection ×1–3, DND delayed neurological deficits, PCI prechiasmatic blood injection, PVC perivascular clot placement, SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage, ? not reported