Table 7.
Results of the logistic regression.
Constructsa | β coefficient | Wald statistic | P value |
Perceived usefulness | −.096 | 0.424 | .51 |
Perceived ease of use | .692b | 9.406 | .002 |
System compatibility | .561 | 3.083 | .07 |
System security | .473c | 3.828 | .05 |
Information technology infrastructure | −.574c | 4.784 | .02 |
System reliability | −1.291c | 6.123 | .01 |
Top management support | 1.466b | 9.614 | .002 |
Organizational readiness | .605 | 2.170 | .14 |
Hospital size | 1.069b | 8.345 | .004 |
Government policy | −2.010c | 6.516 | .04 |
External pressure | .703b | 3.972 | .005 |
aGoodness-of-fit: omnibus X211=70.4; P<.001; −2 log likelihood value=118.658; Cox and Snell R2=0.55; Nagelkerke R2=0.74.