Figure 5.
TPX2 expression analysis in EC cell lines and patient tumors. (A) RT-qPCR analysis of TPX2 in parental and ETV5 stable transfectants of Hec1a (left) and Ishikawa (right) EC cell lines (***P<0.001; Student's t-test). (B) Western immunoblotting of TPX2 in total protein extracts of Hec1a and Hec1a-ETV5, Ishikawa and Ishikawa-ETV5 cells. (C) Fluorescent immunocytochemistry of TPX2 in Hec1a and Hec1a-ETV5, Ishikawa and Ishikawa-ETV5 cells. Nuclear staining was done with Hoechst 33342. Magnification, ×600. RT-qPCR analysis of TPX2 mRNA levels in (D) grade 1–2 (n=13) and 3 (n=14) tumors (*P=0.0494; Mann-Whitney U test), E) MI<50% (n=15) and MI>50% (n=11) tumors (**P=0.0051; Mann-Whitney U test), and (F) Low (n=11) and intermediate/high (n=22) risk tumors (*P=0.0374; Mann-Whitney U test). EC, endometrial cancer; RT-qPCR, reverse transcription-quantitative PCR; TPX2, targeting protein for Xklp2; ETV5, ETS variant transcription factor 5; MI, myometrial invasion.