Echocardiographic measurements of AoV function of 5 month old mice, 4
months of high fat diet in all models except WT control. (WT: n=11
LDLR−/−: n=17,
LDLR−/−IKKBvalveKO: n=11) A,B,C. Mean AoV peak jet
velocity (mm/s), Peak gradient (mmHg), and Mean gradient (mmHg) from Pulsed-wave
Doppler imaging, calculated using the average peak from > three cardiac
cycles for each mouse. D. Ratio of Aortic Root Systolic:Diastolic ratio
calculated from M-mode echocardiographic measurements of aortic root diameter
during peak diastole and systole. E. Cardiac Ejection Fraction percentage
calculated from parasternal long-axis ventricular volume at peak systole and
diastole. Asterisks indicate statistically significance, *: p < 0.05, **:
p < 0.005, ***: p < 0.0005).