Innate and adaptive immune response of PBMCs from healthy donors to different yeasts strains. Selected S. cerevisiae (light grey) and Candida spp. (grey scales) strains were tested for the ability to induce inflammatory (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-17A) and inflammatory responses (IL-10), and specifically cytokines deriving by Th1 (IFN-γ), Th17 (IL-17) and Treg (IL-10) priming. Healthy PBMCs from 5 donors were stimulated with live yeast cells for 24 h or 5 days, and cytokine levels were measured. (A) Principal component Analysis of cytokines profiles of yeast strains according to the different species and sources. Boxplots recapitulate the coordinates (horizontal boxplots show PC1, vertical box plots show PC2) of strains grouped according to their species or isolation source (Lab = laboratory strains, Gut, Grape, and Nat = natural environment, such as soil, tree). * and # indicate p-values< 0.05, fdr corrected, calculated with Wilcoxon and Levene tests respectively. (B) Cytokines produced by PBMCs from healthy donors in response to the challenge with the selected yeast isolates. Bars indicate the average; error bars indicate the standard error.