Fig. 4.
Cell wall sugar components of S. cerevisiae and Candida spp. Strains and correlation with cytokine induction. (A) Percentage of mannan (measured as mannose moieties), glucan (glucose), galactose and chitin (glucosamine) amounts in S. cerevisiae and of Candida spp strains. S. cerevisiae strains isolated from human gut in comparison with strains from other sources (laboratory, natural environment, wine, and wasp’s gut). Candida spp. Strains isolated from CD patients in comparison with SC5314 reference strain. Ca= C. albicans and Cp = C. parapsilosis. (B) Statistics of Spearman correlations among the amount of cell wall components of S. cerevisiae gut isolates. (C–E) Statistics of Spearman correlations among the amount of cell wall components of S. cerevisiae gut isolates and cytokine production by (C) PBMCs from healthy donors, (D) PBMCs from DC patients, and (E) DCs from healthy donors upon challenge with yeast strains. The color in each square indicates the Spearman correlation r among the variables reported in the two coordinates, as indicated by colored scale bar. Crossed squares lack of statistical significance (p > 0.05). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)