Intervention: Psychotherapy |
1 |
exp Psychotherapy/ |
2 |
(CBT or coping skills or counsel?ing or hypno$ or mindfulness or psychoanal$ or psychoeducat$ or psychodynamic or psychotherap$ or rehabilitat$).tw. |
3 |
(psychologic$ or behavio?r or cognitive).tw. |
4 |
(Abreaction or Acting Out or Adlerian or Adolescent Psych$ or Analytical Psychotherap$ or Anger Control or Anger Management or Art Therap$ or Assertive$ Training or Autogenic Training or Autosuggestion or Aversion Therap$ or Balint Group or Behavio?r Contracting or Behavio?r Modification or Behavio?r Therap$ or Bibliotherap$ or Biofeedback or Body Psychotherap$ or Brief Psychotherap$ or Caregiver Support or Child Psych$ or Client Cent$ or Cognitive Behavio?r* or Cognitive$ Rehabilit$ or Cognitive Therap$ or Colo?r Therap$ or Compassionate Mind Training or Conjoint Therap$ or Contingency Management or Conversion Therap$ or Conversational Therap$ or Countertransference or Couples Therap$ or Covert Sensitization or Crisis Intervention).mp. |
5 |
(Dance Therap$ or Dialectic$ or (Dream$ adj3 Analys$) or Eclectic or Emotion$ Focus$ or Emotional Freedom Technique or Encounter Group Therap$ or Existential Therap$ or Experiential Psychotherap$ or Exposure Therap$ or Expressive Psychotherap$ or Eye Movement Desensiti#ation or Family Therap$ or Feminist Therap$ or Free Association or Geriatric Psychotherap$ or Gestalt Therap$ or Griefwork or Group Psychotherap$ or Group Therap$ or Guided Image$ or Holistic Psychotherap$ or Humanistic Psychotherap$ or Hypnosis or Hypnotherap$ or Hypnoti#zability or Imagery or Implosive Therap$ or Individual Psychotherap$ or Insight Therap$ or Integrative Psychotherap$ or Integrative Therap$ or Interpersonal).mp. |
6 |
(Logotherap$ or Marathon Group Therap$ or Marital Therap$ or Meditation or Mental Healing or Metacognitive Therap$ or Milieu Therap$ or Morita Therap$ or Music Therap$ or Narrative Therap$ or Nondirective Therap$ or Personal Construct Therap$ or Person Cent$ Therap$ or Persuasion Therap$ or Pet Therap$ or Play Therap$ or Primal Therap$ or Problem Solving or Psychoanaly$ or Psychodrama or Psychodynamic or Psychotherapeutic Counsel$ or Psychotherapeutic Processes or Psychotherapeutic Training).mp. |
7 |
(Rational Emotive or Reality Therap$ or Reciprocal Inhibition or Relationship Therap$ or Relaxation or Stress Management or Reminiscence Therap$ or Role Play$ or Self Analys$ or Self Esteem or Sensitivity Training or Sex Therap$ or Sleep Phase Chronotherap$ or Socioenvironmental Therap$ or Sociotherap$ or Solution Focused or Stress Management or Support Group$ or (Support adj3 Psycho$) or Systematic Desensiti#ation or Therapeutic Communit$ or Transactional Analysis or Validation Therap$).mp. |
8 |
9 |
10 |
CYSTIC FIBROSIS / px, rh, th [Psychology, Rehabilitation,Therapy] |
11 |
(to include diet therapy/ and nutritional support/)
12 |
((nutrition* or diet*) adj7 (behavi* or educat* or intervention or support* or therap*)).tw. |
13 |
DIET/px [Psychology] |
14 |
15 |
16 |
((self) adj3 (care* or educat* or efficacy or help or manage*)).tw. |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
or/1‐19 |
Condition: Cystic Fibrosis |
21 |
Cystic Fibrosis/ |
22 |
cystic |
23 |
mucoviscidos$.tw. |
24 |
((cysti$ or cisti$) adj10 fibros$).tw, ot. |
25 |
(fibrocystic* and pancreas*).tw. |
26 |
or/15‐19 |
Filter: RCTs |
27 |
randomized controlled |
28 |
controlled clinical |
29 |
randomi#ed.ti,ab. |
30 |
randomly.ab. |
31 |
placebo.ab. |
32 |
trial.ab. |
33 |
groups.ab. |
34 |
(control$ adj3 (trial or study)).ab,ti. |
35 |
((singl$ or doubl$ or tripl$ or trebl$) adj3 (blind$ or mask$ or dummy)).mp. |
36 |
(animals not (humans and animals)).sh. |
37 |
or/27‐35 |
38 |
37 not 36 |
39 |
(20 and 26 and 38) |