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. 2014 Jun 18;2014(6):CD003148. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003148.pub3

Cannon 1999.

Methods Explored the feasibility and benefit of in‐home videoconferencing using inexpensive equipment interfacing to a patient’s standard telephone and television set, 2 groups (study vs control).
Participants 10 patients aged 6 ‐ 13 years.
Interventions Study group received reinforcement of the education message from each clinic visit with weekly in‐home videoconferencing contacts by nurse, TR dietitian, or social worker, plus routine clinic education; control group received only routine clinic education.
Outcomes PFT, weight triceps skin fold thickness, mid‐arm muscle circumference, prealbumin, a simple test of basic CF knowledge, the Hopelessness Scale for Children, the Family Empowerment Scale, Client Satisfaction Survey.
Notes Published as abstract.