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. 2020 May 22;36:32. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.36.32.21043

Table 2.

Zambian diagnostic radiology Human resources per million population by modality, province and by healthcare sector (Personnel/ 106 people)

Province (Population) (x 106) RadiologistsISCO 2212 Registrars (STP)ISCO 2212 Nuclear PhysiciansISCO 2212 RadiographersISCO 3211 Radiography TechnologistsISCO 3211 Medical Physicists ISCO 2212 Sonographers ISCO 3211 Radiation TherapistsISCO 3211
Public [Private] {Total} Public [Private] {Total} Public {Total} Public [Private] {Total} Public [Private] {Total} Public {Total} Public {Total} Public {Total}
Central (1.59) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 1 (0.65) [0] {1(0.63)} 43 (28.1) [2 (33.3)] {45(28.3)} 0 {0} 0 {0} 0 {0}
Copperbelt (2.48) 3 (1.26) [1 (10.1)] {4(1.61)} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 4 (1.68) [0] {4(1.61)} 87 (36.6) [33 (333)] {120(48.4)} 0 {0} 3(1.26) {3 (1.2)} 0 {0}
Eastern (0.91) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 1 (0.55) [1(12.5)] {2(1.04)} 44 (24) [4 (50)] {48(25.1)} 0 {0} 0 {0} 0 {0}
Luapula (1.19) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 2 (1.75) [0] {2(1.68)} 22 (19.3) [0] {22(18.4)} 0 {0 0 {0} 0 {0}
Lusaka (3.01) 4 (1.38) [1 (8.33)] {5(1.66)} 5 (1.73) [1(8.33)] {6(1.99)} 2(0.69) {2(0.7)} 13 (4.49) [5(41.)] {18(5.9)} 315 (108.9) [59(491.)] {374(124)} 3 (1.04) {3 (1.0)} 5 (1.66) {5 (1.66)} 12 (4.15) {12(3.99)}
Muchinga (0.97) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 1 (1.07) [0] {1(1.03)} 25 (26.9) [1 (25)] {26(26.8)} 0 {0} 0 {0} 0 {0}
Northern (1.39) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 0 [0 {0} 21 (15.7) [0] {21(15.1)} 0 {0} 0 {0} 0 {0}
North-Western (0.88) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 3 (3.57) [0]] {3 (3.4)} 46 (57.4) [4 (100)] {50(56.8)} 0 {0} 1 (1.13) {1 (1.13)} 0 {0}
Southern (1.96) 1 (0.53) [0] {1 (0.51)} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0] 1 (0.53) [0] {1 (0.51)} 97 (51.6) [1(12.5)] {98 (50)} 0 {0} 0 0} 0 {0}
Western (1.02) 0 [0] {0} 0 [0] {0} 0 {0} 0 [0] {0} 34 (34.3) [0] {34 (33)} 0 {0} 1 (1.01) {1 (0.98)} 0 {0}
TOTAL (16.4) 8 (0.51) [2 (3.03)] {10(0.61)} 5 (0.32) [1 (1.52)] {6 (0.37}) 2(0.3) {2(0.12)} 26 (1.65) [6(9.09)] {32(1.9)} 734 (46.7) [104(158)] {838(51.)} 3 (0.19) {3 (0.18)} 8 (0.51) {8 (0.49)} 12 0.76) {12(0.7}

ISCO: International Standard Classification of Occupations, STP: Speciality Training Program