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. 2020 May 22;36:32. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.36.32.21043

Table 4.

Comparison of Economic, Demographic and Healthcare Indicator Data: Zambia vs Tanzania vs Zimbabwe vs South Africa

(a) Economics: Tanzania Zimbabwe Zambia South Africa
World Bank Income Country Classification Low Income Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income
GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method Less than $1,025 Less than $995 Between $1,026 - $3,995 Between $3,996 - $12,375
Actual GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method * (2017) $910 $910 $1 300 $5 430
GDP in billion USD (annual growth) (2017) 52.09 (7.1%) 17.85 (3.4%) 25.81 (4.1%) 349.42 (1.3%)
Health expenditures as a percentage (%) of GDP of GDP (2016) 4,10% 9,40% 5% 8,10%
Health expenditure per capita in USD (2016) 32,09 93,94 56,54 428,18
Health Insurance coverage (% of the total population insured) 16,6 10 4 17
(b) Demographics: Tanzania Zimbabwe Zambia South Africa
Population, Million People (Annual growth rate) (2017) 57.31 (3.1%) 16.53 (2.3%) 16.4 (3.0%) 56.72 (1.2%)
Area [x103 Km2]] (Population Density) 890.1 (64.7) 390.8 (42.7) 752.6 (23) 1219.1 (46.8)
Urban population as a percentage (% )of total population(2018) 33,80% 32,20% 43.5% 66,40%
(c) Selected Heath Indicators: Tanzania Zimbabwe Zambia South Africa
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 66 61 62 63
Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births) (2015 est.) 398 443 224 138
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) 64% 78% 63% 97%
Skilled health professional density per 10,000 population (2005-2015) 4,6 12,7 9,7 58,8
Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) 54 50 96 60
Death rate (per 1,000 population [2018 est.]) 7,5 9,9 12 9,3
Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months) 99 90 96 60
Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) 4,5 13,3 11,5 18,8
Tuberculosis incidence (per 100 000 population) (2016) 287 208