Figure 3.
Scheme showing possible role of MSCs and bioactive lipids in COVID-19. Dietary LA and ALA are converted to AA and EPA and DHA by desaturases. Viruses block the activities of desaturases. PGE2 and LTs derived from AA/EPA/DHA facilitate M1 generation and enhance inflammation. Anti-inflammatory PGE1/PGE2, lipoxins, resolvins, protectins and maresins derived from DGLA, AA, EPA and DHA facilitate M2 generation and suppress inflammation. PLA2 activated by SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses induce the release of DGLA/AA/EPA/DHA that inactivate enveloped viruses by themselves and through their products and regulate inflammatory process. MSCs and other stem cells contain DGLA/AA/EPA/DHA and release PGE2 and LXA4 and other bioactive lipids to resolve inflammation. DGLA/AA/EPA/DHA by their ability to alter cell membrane composition can regulate ACE2 expression. ACE2 is needed for SARS-CoV-2 entry into the cells.