Experimental (A) and simulated (B–D) SF absorption data monitoring I2 formation in WT R2lox at 390 nm as a function of [MnII]. [FeII] held at 75 μM (0.75 equiv), kFe,off = k′Mn,off = kMn,off = 101 s−1 and kFe,on, k′Mn,on, and kMn,on = 104 or 105 M−1 s−1. (A, inset) Scheme for competitive, ordered metal binding used for simulations in (B–D) with K′MnA = KMnA. (E, F) MnII and FeII inhibition curves for experimental data shown in (A) and Figure S8A, inset, respectively, with inhibition curves from data simulated using three thermodynamic regimes overlaid. MnII and FeII concentrations shown in log scale.