Table 1:
Primary Author | Study Topic | Study Design | Population | Sample Size | Major Findings Pertinent to this Review | Sources of Funding, Conflicts of Interest |
Dijksterhuis3 | Decision-making | Observational | Consumers of simple and complex products | 75 | Conscious deliberation can lead to less satisfactory decision making than “deliberation-without-attention” choices, especially for complex purchases | Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research |
Wolf5 | Decision-making | Prospective | First-year house officers | 89 | Bayesian inference can provide a useful complement to clinical judgement, though it is rarely used by first-year house officers | Spencer Foundation |
Graber6 | Decision-making | Retrospective | Cases of suspected diagnostic error | 100 | System-related factors and cognitive biases result in diagnostic error | National Patient Safety Foundation |
Kirch7 | Decision-making | Retrospective | Autopsy reports from 1959, 1969, 1979, and 1989 | 400 | Misdiagnosis rates of were approximately 10% across all decades | None reported |
Sonderegger-Iseli8 | Decision-making | Retrospective | Autopsy reports from 1972, 1982, and 1992 | 300 | Frequency of major discrepancy between clinical diagnosis and necropsy findings in 1992 was 14% | None reported |
Healey9 | Decision-making | Prospective | Surgical inpatients | 4,658 | Half of all adverse events were attributable to provider error, diagnostic and judgement errors were the second most common cause of preventable harm | None reported |
Shanafelt10 | Decision-making | Cross-sectional | Members of the American College of Surgeons | 7,905 | 70% of all surgeons attributed error to individual, rather than system-level, factors; 9% of all surgeons reported making a major medical error in the last three months, and lapses in judgement were the most common cause (32%) | None reported |
Leeds11 | Decision-making | Cross-sectional | Surgical trainees at 4 institutions | 124 | 26% of surgical trainees report using validated, contemporary risk communication frameworks; barriers to use included lack of electronic and clinical workflow integration | NIH, NCI, ASCRS, AHRQ |
Brotman12 | Decision-making | MEDLINE search | Articles with “independent risk factor” or “independent predictor” in their title or abstract | - | Each year, more than 1000 articles are published investigating “independent risk factors” or “independent predictors” | None reported |
Legare18 | Decision-making | Systematic Review | Articles about implementing shared decision-making practices | 38 | Barriers to shared decision-making included time constraints and lack of applicability to patient and clinical context; facilitators were provider motivation and positive impact on clinical process and patient outcomes | Canada Research Chair in Implementation of Shared Decision-Making |
Bertrand19 | Decision-making | Cross-sectional | ICU patients and their providers | 419 | Decision-making capacity was overestimated by providers, largely due to inappropriate conflation of consciousness and decision-making capacity | Gabriel Montpied Teaching Hospital, Pfizer, Fisher & Paykel, Gilead, Jazz Pharma, Baxter, Astellas, Alexion |
de Mik20 | Decision-making | Systematic Review | Literature on shared decision-making during surgical consultations | 32 | Only 36% of all patients and surgeons perceived the consultation as shared decision-making; surgeons were more likely to perceive that interactions represented shared decision-making | AMC Foundation |
Wilson21 | Decision-making | Systematic Review | Literature on self-reported decisional regret | 79 | 14.4% of patients reported regret, most often associated with type of surgery, disease-specific quality of life, and shared decision-making | None reported |
Guyatt31 | Decision analysis | Review | - | - | Demonstrates integration of patient values with decision analysis for risks of stroke and hemorrhage when prescribing antiplatelet therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation | None reported |
Pauker33 | Decision analysis | Review | - | - | Establishment of “testing” threshold and a “test-treatment” threshold to guide decision making on treatment and diagnostic testing | NIGMS, NLM, NIH |
O’Brien39 | Decision analysis | Review | - | - | Description of how to perform cost-adjusted value measures like quality-adjusted life years (QALY) | None reported |
Djulbegovic36 | Decision analysis | Review | - | - | Applies patient values to decision analysis for DVT prophylaxis | None reported |
Vickers37 | Decision analysis | Review | - | - | Description of how decision curve analysis can be used to evaluate diagnostic and prognostic strategies | NCI SPORE |
Gage40 | Decision analysis | Decision analysis | Patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation | - | Warfarin is cost-effective for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and one additional stroke risk factor. In those without such risk factors, this benefit was lost | None reported |
Robbins41 | Decision analysis | Cost-benefit analysis | Infants treated with RSV-IG from 3 RCT | 1,108 | Demonstrates the use of number-needed-to-treat principles in determining RSV-IG treatment for specific infant populations | None reported |
Komorowski45 | Machine learning | Retrospective review | Patients admitted to ICU with sepsis | 96,156 | A reinforcement learning model recommended intravenous fluid and vasopressor strategies, mortality was lowest when decisions made by clinicians matched recommendations from the reinforcement learning model | NIHR, EPSRC, Orion Corp, Amomed Pharma, Ferring Pharma, Tenax Therapeutics, Baxter, Bristol-Mysers Squibb, GSK, HCA International, Philips Healthcare, Fresenius-KABI |
Silver46 | Machine learning | Observational | Go boardgame | - | A deep reinforcement learning model trained by human expert moves and self-play provided high fidelity victories against previous Go algorithms and human experts | Google, Google DeepMind |
Mnih47 | Machine learning | Observational | Atari games | - | Demonstrated development of a deep Q-network to incorporate highly-dimensional sensory inputs and actions to optimize machine performance in Atari video games | Google, Google DeepMind |
Shickel49 | Machine learning | Retrospective Review | ICU admissions | 79,701 | A deep model fed with SOFA variables predicted in-hospital mortality with greater accuracy than the traditional SOFA score (AUC 0.90 vs. 0.85) | NIGMS, NSF, University of Florida CTSI, NCATS, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, NVIDIA |
Sundaram50 | Machine learning | Observational | Actual and simulated animal and human genomes | - | A deep neural network identified pathogenic mutations for rare diseases with 88% accuracy and discovered candidate genes for intellectual disability | Health Innovation Challenge Fund, Wellcome Sanger Institute, NIHR, NIGMS, NSF |
Li51 | Machine learning | Observational | Actual and simulated protein sequences | - | A deep neural network predicted protein properties by learning from protein sequences, without supervision or domain knowledge | NSF, NIH, Industrial Members of NSF Center for Big Learning |
Rajpurkar52 | Machine learning | Retrospective Review | Chest radiographs | 420 | A deep learning algorithm had equivalent performance to board certified Radiologists in 10/14 pathologies, superior performance in 1/14, and inferior performance in 3/14 | Stanford AIMI Center,,, Nuance communications, Radiological Society of North America, Phillips Healthcare, GE Healthcare |
Davoudi53 | Machine learning | Observational | Surgical ICU patients | 22 | Autonomous collection of granular patient and environmental data can identify contributors to delirium | NSF CAREER, NIH/NIGMS, NIH, NIH/NIBIB |
Hashimoto54 | Machine learning | Observational | Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy cases | 88 | The use of computer vision and deep neural networks can identify quantitative steps in operative procedures | NIH, Olympus Corporation, Toyota Research Institute, Verily Life Sciences, Johnson & Johnson Institute, Gerson Lehrman Group |
Silver56 | Machine learning | Observational | Go boardgame | A deep reinforcement learning model trained by self-play without human input consistently defeated a version that did use human input | Google, Google DeepMind | |
Pineau65 | Machine learning | Review | Experimental epilepsy models | - | Reinforcement learning paradigms of EEG measurements can be used to optimize electrostimulations patterns in the treatment of epilepsy | NSERC, CIHR |
Van Calster66 | Decision analysis | Systematic Review | Men undergoing prostate biopsy | 3,616 | Demonstrates the use of decision curve analysis to identify a range of clinically reasonable risk thresholds for prostate biopsy | Research Foundation–Flanders |
Tinetti67 | Decision analysis | Review | Disease-specific guidelines | - | Adherence to disease-specific guidelines in patients with multiple chronic conditions may result in clinical harm | NIA, VA HSR&D, Merck, AFAR |
Boyd68 | Decision analysis | Observational | Clinical practice guidelines for Medicare beneficiaries | - | Adherence to clinical practice guidelines for disease-specific entities may result in suboptimal care for elderly patients with multiple comorbidities | NIH, NIA, HRSA, Roger C. Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care, Partnership for Solutions |
Che70 | Machine learning | Retrospective Review | Critically ill children | 398 | Deep learning models often lack interpretability; shallow models and knowledge-distillation approaches can clarify underlying processes for clinicians | NSF, USC Coulter Translational Research Program |
Gal71 | Machine learning | Dissertation | - | - | Using a softmax function to map machine learning output layer network activations may overestimate model confidence that its outputs are accurate | Google AI, Qualcomm |
Guo72 | Machine learning | Review | Machine learning models in published literature | - | Many descriptions of machine learning models do not incorporate and report calibration | NSF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Office of Naval Research |
Vergouwe73 | Decision analysis | Observational | Moderate or severe brain injury patients | 1,118 | Creating benchmark values that incorporate distributions of patient characteristics can improve external validity of prediction models | Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, NIH |
Van Calster74 | Decision analysis | Observational | Decision analysis models | - | Miscalibration of a model (overestimation, underestimation, overfitting, and underfitting) to a baseline event rate reduces net benefit and can impair clinical decision-making | Research Foundation-Flanders |
Goldstein75 | Machine learning | Retrospective review | Hemodialysis patients | 18,846 | Comparing summary statistics, machine learning methods, functional data analysis, and joint models revealed that complex approaches using highly-dimensional EHR data may impair mortality predictions | NIDDK |
McGlynn76 | Decision analysis | Cross-sectional study | Randomly selected patients from 12 US metropolitan areas | 13,275 | Only slightly more than half of all patients surveyed received care recommended by clinical practice guidelines | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, VA HSR&D |
AFAR: American Federation for Aging Research; AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality; AI: Artificial Intelligence; AIMI: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging; ASCRS: American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons; CIHR: Canadian Institute of Health Research; EPSRC: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; HRSA: Health Resources and Services Administration; NCI: National Cancer Institute; NIA: National Institute on Aging; NIBIB: National Institute on Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering; NIGMS: National Institute of General Medical Sciences; NIH: National Institutes of Health; NIHR: National Institute for Health Research; NLM: National Library of Medicine; NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; NSF: National Science Foundation; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; USC: University of Southern California; VA HSR&D: Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development