Figure 1.
Structure of NusG-CTD bound to 70S Ribosome
(A) Cryo-EM density of the 70S ribosome:NusG complex (see also Table S1). The density of the 50S subunit is shown in light blue, the density of the 30S subunit in yellow, the density corresponding to NusG-CTD in red.
(B) Close-up view of the region boxed in (A). 70S (yellow), S10 (blue), and NusG-CTD (red) are in ribbon representation; cryo-EM density is shown as transparencies.
(C) Superposition of the 70S:NusG complex with the 70S:tmRNA complex (tmRNA is in ribbon representation, purple and dark blue; EMD 5234, PDB: 3IZ4). 30S and NusG-CTD are displayed as in (B).