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. 2020 Jul 23;11:1681. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01681


Genetic determinants affecting susceptibility to all antimicrobial peptides tested (PMB, COL, L27-11, peptides 3 and 4).

Locus tag Orthologs (PAO1) Gene symbol Description Location (COG)a PMBb COLb L27-11b 4b 3b
PA14_63150 PA4776 pmrA Two-component response regulator Cytoplasm (T) −5.87 −4.86 −3.65 N/A −4.00
PA14_63160 PA4777 pmrB PmrB: two-component regulator system signal sensor kinase PmrB CM (T) −6.21 −7.19 −6.36 −6.25 −5.55
PA14_49180 PA1179 phoP Two-component response regulator PhoP Cytoplasm (T) −2.80 −1.26 −4.05 N/A N/A
PA14_18330 PA3556 arnT 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase CM (M) −5.04 −5.03 −4.62 −4.56 −5.09
PA14_18340 PA3555 arnD Hypothetical protein Cytoplasm (G) −3.93 −4.92 −4.62 N/A N/A
PA14_18350 PA3554 arnA Bifunctional UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase/UDP-4- amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase Cytoplasm (G,J,M) N/A N/A −4.30 N/A −7.58
PA14_18360 PA3553 arnC Glycosyl transferase family protein CM (M) −4.99 −4.97 −3.96 N/A N/A
PA14_18370 PA3552 arnB UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose–oxoglutarate aminotransferase Cytoplasm (E) N/A −5.10 −3.80 −5.25 −5.78
PA14_58090 PA4476 asmA Hypothetical protein OM (S) −4.56 −1.58 −1.16 −1.67 −1.68
PA14_42920 PA1667 tssK-2 HsiJ2 Cytoplasm (S) −3.34 −3.47 −3.02 −3.07 −3.06
PA14_27190 tRNA-Ser −1.87 N/A −2.10 −1.94 −1.47
PA14_48970 PA0720 Helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage Pf1 −4.04 −3.03 −2.42 −4.19 −1.91
PA14_49000 PA0717 Hypothetical protein −1.48 −1.80 −1.67 −1.54 −1.28

aCOG, clusters of orthologous group; T, signal transduction; M, cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis; G, carbohydrate metabolism and transport; J, translation; E, amino acid metabolism and transport; S, function unknown; CM, cytoplasmic membrane; OM, outer membrane. bLog2-fold change of normalized unique insertion densities (nUIDs) between the treated or untreated samples. N/A, not applicable as the fold change (FC) could not be calculated due to zero UIDs in the treated sample.