Compositional variations of human and closely-related CoVs
Human CoVs (red solid circles) vs. non-human CoVs (blue solid circles) and betaCoVs (solid circles) vs. non-betaCoVs (open circles) are distinguished. There are three completely overlapping circles: two around the human average G + C content (the horizontal dashed line) are SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, together with their representative within-population zoonotic counterparts, a civet and a camel, respectively (blue + red = purple); one near the vertical 50% purine content line (dashed) is the SARS-CoV-2 so happens overlapping with a vole CoV (a red solid circle surrounded by a purple open circle). The complete list of the samples and compositional parameters: (1) Alphacoronavirus Bat-CoV/P.kuhlii/Italy/3398–19/2015; 0.404, 0.475; (2)Bat coronavirus 1A; 0.381, 0.478; (3) Bat coronavirus BM48-31/BGR/2008; 0.404,0.488; (4) Bat coronavirus CDPHE15/USA/2006; 0.408, 0.476; (5) Bat coronavirus RaTG13; 0.38, 0.495; (6) Beluga whale coronavirus SW1; 0.392,0.518; (7) BetaCoV_pangolin_Guangxi_P4L_2017; 0.385, 0.496;(8) Betacoronavirus Erinaceus/VMC/DEU/2012; 0.375, 0.503; (9)Bovine coronavirus; 0.371, 0.492; (10) BtMr-AlphaCoV/SAX2011; 0.41, 0.483; (11) BtNv-AlphaCoV/SC2013; 0.418, 0.475; (11) BtRf-AlphaCoV/HuB2013; 0.383, 0.493; (12) BtRf-AlphaCoV/YN2012; 0.378, 0.476; (13) Bulbul coronavirus HKU11-934; 0.387, 0.482; (14) Camel alphacoronavirus; 0.384, 0.487; (15) Canada goose coronavirus strain Cambridge_Bay_2017; 0.384, 0.475; (16) Ferret coronavirus; 0.39, 0.497; (17) hsa229E; 0.383, 0.488; (18) hsaHKU1; 0.321, 0.469; (19) hsaNL63; 0.345, 0.463; (20) hsaOC43; 0.368, 0.493; (21) Lucheng Rn rat coronavirus; 0.402,0.476; (22) MERS-CoV; 0.412, 0.472; (23) Miniopterus bat coronavirus HKU8; 0.418, 0.466; (24) Mink coronavirus strain WD1127; 0.375, 0.494; (25) Munia coronavirus HKU13-3514; 0.425,0.481; (26) NL63-related bat coronavirus; 0.392, 0.475; (27) Pipistrellus bat coronavirus HKU5; 0.432, 0.482; (28) Rat coronavirus Parker; 0.413, 0.497; (29) Rhinolophus bat coronavirus HKU2; 0.393, 0.475; (30) Rodent coronavirus isolate RtMruf-CoV-2/JL2014; 0.38, 0.496; (31) Rousettus bat coronavirus; 0.453, 0.495; (32) Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU10; 0.385,0.485; (33) Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9; 0.41, 0.486; (34) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; 0.38, 0.496; (35) SARS-CoV-2; 0.408, 0.493; (36) Shrew coronavirus isolate Shrew-CoV/Tibet2014; 0.366, 0.515; (37) Thrush coronavirus HKU12-600; 0.38, 0.484; (38) Turkey coronavirus; 0.383,0.507; (39) Tylonycteris bat coronavirus HKU4; 0.378, 0.483; (40) Wencheng Sm shrew coronavirus; 0.32, 0.519; (41) bat RmYN02; 0.382, 0.495; (42) mouse MHV A59; 0.418, 0.457.