Figure 3.
Changes induced by activating CAMK-hM3Dq in wild-type mice. (A) Comparison of blood flow (mL of blood/100 g/min) over time between controls and wild-type mice injected with excitatory (hM3Di) DREADD on CAMKII promoter (measured at the injection site). We observe a significant repeated measures ANOVA groups × scan time effect (F(1.0, 20.0) = 7.3; P = 0.004; asterisk indicates significant between-group independent samples post hoc t-test at Post 1 (t9.8 = 2.7; P = 0.02) and at Post 2 (t9.4 = 2.1; P = 0.05) in blood flow in wt-CAMK-hM3Dq mice (n = 13) after clozapine injection (similar to wt-hSyn-hM3Dq from Fig. 2H). (B,C) Blood flow in the left SSp and left CP does not significantly differ between controls and wt-CAMK-hM3Dq mice. (D) Change over time of mean regional homogeneity at the injection site (right SSp). There is a significant decrease (repeated measures ANOVA significant groups × scan time effect: F(1.3, 25.2) = 7.74, P = 0.006; asterisk indicates significant between-group independent samples post hoc t-test at Post 1 [t23 = −3.46; P = 0.002] and at Post 2 [t23 = −3.49; P = 0.002]) in mean connectivity in wt-CAMK-hM3Dq (n = 13) mice as compared with controls (n = 13). (E) Change over time of mean symmetric connectivity at the injection site. There is a significant decrease (repeated measures ANOVA groups × scan time effect: F(1.16, 21.98) = 8.21, P = 0.007; asterisk indicates significant between-group independent samples post hoc t-test at Post 1 (t24 = 3.85; P = 0.001) and at Post 2 [t24 = 4.26; P = 10−5]) in mean connectivity in wt-CAMK-hM3Dq (n = 13) mice as compared with controls (n = 13). (F) Matrix represents statistically significant differences during ∆1 and ∆2 time period among three brain regions (MO, somatomotor cortex; SSp, somatosensory cortex; SSs, supplementary somatosensory cortex; R, right; L, left) between the controls and wt-CAMK-hM3Dq mice. The asterisk within ROIs indicates a statistically significant difference that survived correction of multiple comparisons.