Fig. 3. Infant stool microbiotas assemble according to neutral rules.
a Venn diagram showing the number of ASVs observed in infant and adult stool samples. Only taxa found in infant stool samples were included in panels (b) and (c). b Neutral community model (NCM) fit to each ASV observed in the stool of Tsimane infants. Points are colored according to whether the taxon prevalence in infant samples was above (yellow), at (blue), or below (green) the predicted prevalence according to the NCM. Average RMSE (±standard deviation) was calculated from 1000 bootstrap resamplings. c Heatmap of the log10 normalized abundances of the ASVs from infant stool samples that were observed either to be consistently above (yellow) or below (green) their predicted prevalence in part (b). Rows are sorted by taxa prevalence; columns are sorted by the subject’s age (months). Source data are provided in the Source Data file.