Fitting of the mathematical model to the experimental data of HCV JFH-1 and Jc1-n infection in cell culture. Three different numbers of Huh-7 cells infected with either HCV JFH-1 or Jc1-n 1 day after inoculation were seeded (experiment A: 1,000, experiment B: 2,000, and experiment C: 4,000 cells per well) and chased to detect the following values at days 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 post seeding (log10 scale): numbers of uninfected and infected cells, amount of intracellular and extracellular viral RNA (copies/well), and extracellular viral infectivity (ffu/well) (orange circle: JFH-1, green triangle: Jc1-n). The shadowed regions correspond to 95% posterior intervals and the solid curves give the best-fit solution (mean) for Eqs 2–6 to the time-course dataset. All data for each strain were fitted simultaneously. The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. ffu, focus formation unit.