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. 2020 Jul 30;15(7):e0236434. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236434

Panel 1. Overview of the characteristics of the Karolinska Institutet model (KIM), the European Staging Method (ESM), the Massachusetts General Hospital Staging Method (MGH-s), and the Maudsley Staging Method (MSM).

Original version TRD threshold or TRD severity points TRD threshold TRD threshold TRD severity points (Total score = summation of each treatment trial) TRD severity points (Total score = 3 to 15)
Number of treatment failures to be defined as TRD 2 2 1 point per nonresponsive AD treatment episode Level 1: 1–2 ADs = 1 point(s);
Level 2: 3–4 ADs = 2;
Level 3: 5–6 ADs = 3;
Level 4: 7–10 ADs = 4;
Level 5: >10 ADs = 5;
Adequate length of treatment episode/dose At least 28 days NA See S1 Table for definition of adequate dose NA
Required duration NA TRD1–12- to 16-weeks At least 6 weeks Acute (≤365 days) = 1 pointa
TRD2–18- to 24-weeks duration Subacute (13 to 24 months) = 2 pointsa
Chronic (>24 months) = 3 pointsa
TRD3–24- to 32-weeks duration
TRD4–30- to 40-weeks duration
TRD5–36- to 52-weeks duration
Augmentation NA NA 0.5 point for augmentation 1 point
Optimisation of dose NA NA 0.5 point for optimisation NA c
ECT/rTMS Counted as a treatment episode NA 3 point for ECT 1 point for ECT
Symptom severity NA NA NA Subsyndromalb = 1 point
Mild = 2 points
Moderate = 3 points
Severe without psychosis = 4points
Severe with psychosis = 5 points
Adapted version for register data TRD threshold or TRD severity points Unchanged Unchanged TRD threshold (TRD definition threshold = total score ≥4 points) TRD threshold (TRD definition threshold = total score ≥5)
Number of treatment failures to be defined as TRD Unchanged Unchanged Nonresponse to each adequate (at least six weeks at an adequate dose) trial of an AD (1 point per trial)–See S1 Table for definition of adequate dose. Treatment failures:
1–2 ADs = 1 point
3–4 ADs = 2 points
5–6 ADs = 3 points
7–10 ADs = 4 points
>10 ADs = 5 points
Adequate length of treatment episode/dose Unchanged At least 28 days See S1 Table for definition of adequate dose. At least 28 days
Required duration Unchanged 12- to 16-week Unchanged NA
Augmentation Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Optimisation of dose Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged NA c
ECT/rTMS Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Symptom severity Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged ICD-10: Major depressive disorder:
F32.0 and F33.0 mild = 2 points
F32.1 and F33.1 moderate = 3 points
F32.2 and F33.2 severe without psychotic features = 4 points
F32.3 and F33.3 severe with psychotic features = 5 points

a Duration cannot be used as in the original version since we have a one-year follow-up.

b Information not available in registers.

c Information on optimisation of dose, optimisation of duration not available in registers.

AD = Antidepressant; ECT = Electroconvulsive therapy; repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; rTMS = repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; TRD = treatment-resistant depression; CRD = chronic resistant depression; ICD = International Statistical Classification of Diagnoses; NA = not applicable.