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. 2020 Jul 20;16(7):e1007760. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007760

Table 3. Clustered k-mers from S1 Fig used for validation of their biological function and reported riboswitch motifs.

Nucleotide location designated refers to match with their position reported in reference.

Rfam ID K-mers Position Riboswitch function and motifs Ref
RF00168 UCAU U57-U60 Motifs predicted to interact with the Nova-1 protein [40]
RF01051 CAAAG C22-G26 Secondary structure representation of the crystallized c-di-GMP aptamer, necessary for c-di-GMP binding pocket formation [41]
GGUC G8-C11 Found in Helices P1 area beginning of 5′UTR [41]
Overlaying K-mers in the 3′ aptamer domain, rich in A, which has unique folding pseudoknot that compresses PreQ1 [42]
UCCCA U24-A18 Found in P2 of preQ1 riboswitch aptamer structure [42]
RF00504 CCGAAG C168-G173 The glycine-mediated changes in spontaneous cleavage (GAA) [43]
CUCU C204-U207 In glycine riboswitch, secondary structure and in-line decreasing cleavage pattern [43]
RF00059 UGAGA U39-A43 The pyrimidine part of TPP is bound by bulge J3-2 located in the pyrimidine-sensor helix P2-P3 [44]
RF00162 GAGGGA G19-A24 It is a kink-turn motif that allows pseudoknot interaction. It interacts with SAM which helps to make stable formation, can cause the downstream expression platform to form a rho-independent TT (transcriptional terminator), turning off gene expression [45]
Overlapping k-mers in SAM-IV RNA binds SAM, last C in cleavage increased by SAM [46]
RF01057 AGGCUC A61-C66 In P1 SAH riboswitch control reporter gene Expression, ahcY 5'UTR [47]
CGCU C28-U31 In SAH riboswitch hairpin loops of P4 [47]
RF00521 GCUAAA G42-A47 Secondary structure of the Env12 metX SAM-II riboswitch its base-pairing reflecting the tertiary structure of the SAM-bound RNA [48]
RF00050 AGUC A126-C129 In the secondary structure of FMN, the first three AGU make hairpin loops and identified from B. cleavage. [49]
Form Secondary-structure model of the 165 ribD RNA and side hairpin between P2 and 165 ribD RNA and side hairpin [49]
C70-C74 Predicted secondary structure of the cobalamin riboswitch in the btuB leader region of Synechococcus sp. Strain. The boxed bases represent the B12 box-P1 helix interface, where a CC-to-TT (UU in the RNA structure [50]
RF01055 GAAAGG G120-G125 Containing AGG at the site of Ribosomal Binding Site (RBS) located at multiple junction site. Region of the central multi-stem junction in Sequence of the 138 moaA Moco RNA. [51]
GCCU G18-U21 Found in a Moco RNA at left multiple junction site [51]
GCCUCC G106-C111 In Moco RNA, the last UCC makes parts of multiple junctions in P4. [51]
RF00380 UGAGG U28-G32 k-mers that found in part of a conserved bulge-stem region of Secondary structure of the 5`M-box portion [52]
RF01054 AAAGG A83-G87 Structural modulation and nucleotides comprise a conserved Shine–Dalgarno (SD) [53]
AGCAU A58-U62 Unpaired Structural modulation containing constant cleavage [53]
AGAAAA A88-A93 Structural modulation, AGAA in decreasing cleavage and AA in constant cleavage [53]
RF00234 AGCGC A12-C16 Downstream of the ribozyme cleavage site Ribozyme core site P2a [54]
ACGAGG A53-G56 Ribozyme core region (Unpaired)
RF00167 CUAC C50-C53 structural features of the guanine aptamer domain and critical for metabolite binding [55]