Fig. 6.
ABR metrics acquired using a five-frequency 50/s interleaved ramp protocol are comparable to a 10/s conventional protocol for both low (4 kHz) and high (16 kHz) frequencies (n =11 ears from gerbil, n =11 ears from mouse). a ABR waveforms (ensemble average across all ears) in response to 80-dB SPL tone pips at 16 kHz in mouse. b Average wave 1 amplitudes vs. stimulus level for 16-kHz tones in mouse. c Average wave 1 latencies vs. stimulus level for 16-kHz tones in mouse. d Average ABR thresholds. e Average wave amplitudes at 80 dB SPL. f Average wave latencies at 80 dB SPL. Shaded area and error bars in all panels indicate ±SEM. Error bars in (f) are too small to be visible.