Table 8.
Age-friendly home and community features
Domain 1: housing | |
a. Home repair contractors who are trustworthy, do quality work, and are affordable | |
b. Well-maintained homes and properties | |
c. A home repair service for low-income and older adults that helps with things like roof or window repairs | |
d. Seasonal services such as lawn work or snow removal for low-income and older adults | |
e. Affordable home options for adults of varying income levels such as older active adult communities, assisted living, and communities with shared facilities and outdoor spaces | |
f. Homes that are equipped with things like a no step entrance, wider doorways, grab bars in bathrooms, and first floor bedrooms and bathrooms | |
g. Well-maintained and safe low-income housing | |
Domain 2: outdoor spaces and buildings | |
a. Well-maintained and safe parks that are within walking distance of your home | |
b. Public parks with enough benches | |
c. Sidewalks that are in good condition, free from obstruction, and are safe for pedestrian use and accessible for wheelchairs or other assistive mobility devices | |
d. Well-maintained public buildings and facilities that are accessible to people of different physical abilities | |
e. Separate pathways for bicyclists and pedestrians | |
f. Well-maintained public restrooms that are accessible to people of different physical abilities | |
g. Neighborhood watch programs | |
Domain 3: transportation | |
a. Accessible and convenient public transportation | |
b. Affordable public transportation | |
c. Well-maintained public transportation vehicles | |
d. Reliable public transportation | |
e. Safe public transportation stops or areas | |
f. Special transportation services for people with disabilities and older adults | |
g. Well-maintained streets | |
h. Easy to read traffic signs | |
i. Enforced speed limits | |
j. Public parking lots, spaces, and areas to park | |
k. Affordable public parking | |
l. Well-lit, safe streets and intersections for all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers) | |
m. Audio/visual pedestrian crossings | |
n. Driver education/refresher courses | |
Domain 4: health and wellness | |
a. Health and wellness programs and classes in areas such as nutrition, smoking cessation, and weight control | |
b. Fitness activities specifically geared towards older adults | |
c. Conveniently located health and social services | |
d. A service that helps seniors find and access health and supportive services | |
e. Conveniently located emergency care centers | |
f. Easy to find information on local health and supportive services | |
g. Home care services including health, personal care, and housekeeping | |
h. Well-trained certified home health care providers | |
i. Affordable home health care providers | |
j. Well-maintained hospitals and health care facilities | |
k. A variety of health care professionals including specialists | |
l. Health care professionals who speak different languages | |
m. Easily understandable and helpful local hospital or clinic answering services | |
n. Respectful and helpful hospital and clinic staff | |
Domain 5: social participation and inclusion | |
a. Conveniently located venues for entertainment | |
b. Activities specifically geared towards older adults | |
c. Activities that offer senior discounts | |
d. Activities that are affordable to all residents | |
e. Activities that involve both younger and older people | |
f. Accurate and widely publicized information about social activities | |
g. A variety of cultural activities for diverse populations | |
h. Local schools that involve older adults in events and activities | |
i. Continuing education classes | |
j. Social clubs such as book, gardening, craft, or hobby | |
Domain 6: volunteering and civic engagement | |
a. A range of volunteer activities to choose from | |
b. Volunteer training opportunities to help people perform better in their volunteer roles | |
c. Opportunities for older adults to participate in decision-making bodies such as community councils or committees | |
d. Easy to find information on available local volunteer opportunities | |
e. Transportation to and from volunteer activities for those who need it | |
Domain 7: job opportunities | |
a. A range of flexible job opportunities for older adults | |
b. Job training opportunities for older adults who want to learn new job skills within their job or get training in a different field of work | |
c. Jobs that are adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities | |
Domain 8: community information | |
a. Access to community information in one central source | |
b. Clearly displayed printed community information with large lettering | |
c. An automated community information source that is easy to understand like a toll-free telephone number | |
d. Free access to computers and the Internet in public places such as the library, senior centers, or government buildings | |
e. Community information that is delivered in person to people who may have difficulty or may not be able to leave their home | |
f. Community information that is available in a number of different languages |