Fig. 5. slnrc4a gain of function mutant line has similar yield production to WT.
Phenotypic parameters of yield were measured in M82 and slnrc4a plants. a Total fruit number is presented as number of tomato fruits produced by plant. b Total fruit weight per plant was measured. c, d Same as a, b, but ripe fruit only. e Total plant fresh weight (aerial tissues only). f Harvest index (HI) of plants was calculated as the ratio between the total fruit yield mass and total biomass. g Total soluble sugars were measured by refractometry expressed as °Brix. Average ± SEM of three independent replicates is shown. No statistically significant differences were observed among WT and slnrc4a (t-test, welch correction). Boxplots are shown with inter-quartile-ranges (box), medians (black line in box) and outer quartile whiskers, minimum to maximum values.