Fig. 5. The relative effectiveness of IPTp, ISTp and hybrid strategies in clearing early infection.
a Shows the percentage of primigravidae with ongoing parasitaemia following their first visit in second trimester if they: receive no intervention (yellow dots), are screened with a standard RDT and treated with an ACT if positive (green dots), receive SP presumptively (light blue dots), are given an ACT if RDT+ and SP otherwise (hybrid strategy—dark blue dots). Error bars show 95% intervals based upon our uncertainty analysis for comparing the relative impact of intervention strategies (see “Methods” section), b Shows the equivalent figure but in women of gravidities 3 and above. c Shows the percentage of these early infections that would subsequently lead to LBW that are effectively treated based upon our modelled relationship between the detectability and severity of infection (NB: given these are ongoing infections this does not imply that treating these infections would necessarily avert all risk of LBW attributable to these infections—see “Methods” sction for full details).