Figure 1.
HS glycomics of human brain prefrontal cortex for young (Y), aged (A) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) brain from cohort 2. Box plots with outliers showing disaccharide abundances, omitting D2A0 which was below the limits of detection. Uncorrected p values from two tailed T tests are shown. D0A0 ΔHexAGlcNAc, D0A6 ΔHexAGlcNAc6S, D0S0 ΔHexAGlcNS, D0S6 ΔHexAGlcNS6S, D2A6 ΔHexA2SGlcNAc6S, D2S6 ΔHexA2SGlcNS6S, NA sum of N-acetylated disaccharides, NS sum of N-sulfated disaccharides. Detailed structures are shown in Supplementary Fig. S3. Whiskers show maximum and minimum values. The top and bottom of each box show the 75th and 25th percentile of the sample, respectively. The line through each box shows the median and the x marker the mean of the samples.