Fig. 1.
A) Representative images of different atrophic scars on cEDS patients’ knees. A healing scar in a 6-year-old girl (a); a papyraceous, non-hemosiderotic scar in a 22-year-old female (b); a cigarette paper scar in a 39-year-old female (c); multiple papyraceous, hemosiderotic scars in a 40-year-old female (d); multiple papyraceous scars in a 57-year-old male (e); combination of multiple, papyraceous, hemosiderotic scars, and cigarette paper scars in a 34-year-old female (f). B) Evolution of papyraceous, and hemosiderotic scars in 2 children assessed at increasing ages. On the left, a single scar on the knee and multiple scars at the pretibial area in a girl at 6 (a, b) and 11 years of age (c, d); on the right, multiple scars on the knee in a boy at 9 (e) and 12 years of age (f)