Figure 4.
Effects of adolescent social isolation on home cage social interaction in adulthood. (A) Adolescent SI mice display an increased number of social interaction bouts in both males and females. (B,C) This overall phenotype is present when only head-to-head interactions (B) or head-to-tail interactions (C) are considered. (D,E) In contrast, digging (D) and climbing (E) behaviors are not altered by adolescent SI. (F) Adolescent SI mice spend a greater proportion of the 5 min assay interacting with the stranger mouse than their GH counterparts, an effect driven by males. (G) The duration of the first social interaction bout is longer in adolescent SI mice of both sexes. Data are expressed as means + SEM; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 between groups.