Figure 3. Quantification of BM composition and regional localization.
(A) Representative inverted grayscale maximum intensity confocal projections of whole animal γ-laminin::mNG (left) and α1-type IV collagen::mNG (right) at the L1 stage. (B) Normalized mean fluorescence intensity displayed as waffle plots compare the composition of the gonadal and pharynx BMs per unit area. Each square is normalized to the mean fluorescence intensity of the least abundant component, peroxidasin-1 (n ≥ 9 animals imaged for each matrix component). (C) Heatmaps of maximum intensity projections from confocal z-stacks of the L1 pharynx enlarged to emphasize regional differences (see schematic) in protein distribution— type IV collagen is in a gradient from posterior-to-anterior, laminin and nidogen are evenly distributed (but concentrated around nerve ring, orange arrowheads), papilinS is evenly distributed (signal from the epidermis makes it appear higher in the posterior bulb), agrin is enriched in the anterior region (arrow), type XVIII collagen is at high levels in the posterior bulb (white arrow, and also in nerve ring BM, orange arrowhead), fibulin is enriched in the anterior region (arrow), spondin is enriched in the metacorpus (arrow), and peroxidasin-1 and perlecan are present at low uniform levels (n = 10 animals examined for each). Scale bar is 10μm.