Figure 5.
Sampling of the global ocean with CALIOP. (a) CALIOP ground tracks achieved within a single 16‐day repeat cycle. Red lines = 55° to 65° North latitude section used to compare CALIOP and MODIS data coverage in panel d. (b) CALIOP-based climatological annual average phytoplankton biomass (Cphyto) for the 2006 to 2012 period reported by Behrenfeld et al. (2013). (c) Location of all field bbp data in the NASA SeaBASS data archive. These data required 13 years to collect, yet still leave most of the ocean unsampled in space and time. By comparison, CALIOP can provide an unbiased global sampling of bbp every 16 days that can be used for global ocean science investigations and to refine algorithms for passive ocean color retrievals. (d) Comparison of CALIOP and MODIS pixel coverage per month for the 55° to 65° North latitude section identified in panel a (from Behrenfeld et al. 2016). Filled and unfilled symbols = Total number of 1° latitude × 1° longitude ice‐free ocean pixels per month with valid CALIOP and MODIS bbp data, respectively.