The Movie was taken using single-Z time-lapse epifluorescence microscopy and shows a Kinesin-2 RNAi class I da neuron expressing 221-Gal4 > UAS-EB1-GFP and 221-Gal4 > UAS-Kap3-RNAi. The left panel shows the GFP channel, while the right panel shows the GFP channel with the ImageJ-generated EB1-GFP comet tracks drawn onto the images. The axon (
A) and dendrites (
D) are labelled in the right panel. The tracks are multi-coloured, as is default for ImageJ, and the colours have no reference to comet type. Comets can be seen emerging from multiple locations within the soma but unlike in control neurons they do not turn unless they encounter the nuclear envelope or cell cortex, suggesting that Kinesin-2 is required to guide growing microtubules towards the axon. Comets that approach the axon still frequently enter and grow down the axon, and, in contrast to control neurons, comets that approach dendrites also readily enter (quantified in
Figure 7). This shows that Kinesin-2 is also required for excluding growing microtubules from entering dendrites. Images were collected every 5 s and the Movie plays at 10 frames/second.