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. 2020 Jul 27;13:609–618. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S251510

Table 3.

Bivariate Analysis of Factors Associated with AUDs Among Jimma University Main Campus Undergraduate Students, April 2016

Characteristics Alcohol Use Disorder p-value COR 95% CI
No n (%) Yes n (%) Lower Upper
Age Less than or equal to 18 18(85.7) 3(14.3) Reference
19–24 407(74.0) 143(25.0) 0.237 2.11 0.61 7.26
Greater than 24 120(70.6) 50(29.4) 0.156 2.50 0.71 8.86
Gender Male 310(67.4) 150(32.6) <0.001 2.47 1.71 3.58
Female 235(83.6) 46(16.4) Reference
Marital status Single 427(79.4) 111(20.6) Reference
In relationship 101(59.4) 69(40.6) <0.001 2.63 1.81 3.81
Married 13(59.1) 9(40.9) <0.001 3.62 1.88 7.39
Religion Orthodox 285(68.7) 130(31.3) Reference
Islam 106(84.8) 19(15.2) <0.001 0.39 0.23 0.67
Protestant 130(80.7) 31(19.3) 0.004 0.52 0.36 0.84
Catholic 20(64.5) 11(35.5) 0.631 1.21 0.56 2.59
Other 4(44.4) 5(55.6) 0.138 2.74 0.72 10.37
Pocket money Less than 100 34(73.9) 12(26.1) 0.779 0.90 0.44 1.84
100–299 163(72.8) 61(27.2) 0.832 0.96 0.64 1.43
300–499 156(76.5) 48(23.5) 0.265 0.79 0.52 1.19
Greater than or equal to 500 192(71.9) 75(28.1) Reference
Living condition In dormitory 508(74.6) 173(25.4) Reference
Outside of campus 37(61.7) 23(38.3) 0.031 1.83 1.06 3.16
Social support Poor 161(29.5) 81(41.3) <0.001 2.30 0.65 1.45
Intermediate 233(42.8) 82(41.8) 0.039 1.65 1.02 2.53
Strong 151(27.7) 33(16.8) Reference
History of mental illness Yes 38(57.8) 34(47.2) <0.001 2.80 1.71 4.59
No 507(75.8) 162(24.2) Reference
History of suicide attempt Yes 12(37.5) 20(62.5) <0.001 5.05 2.42 10.53
No 533(75.2) 176(24.8) Reference
Family history of alcohol drinking Yes 101(54.3) 85(45.7) <0.001 3.37 3.34 4.80
No 444(80) 111(20) Reference
Peer pressure to drink alcohol Yes 156(55.5) 125(44.5) <0.001 4.39 3.12 6.20
No 398(86.5) 71(13.5) Reference
Frequency of chewing khat Never 418(80.1) 104(19.9) Reference
Weekly 80(67.2) 39(32.8) 0.003 1.96 1.26 3.04
1–3 times per month 17(47.2) 19(52.8) <0.001 4.49 2.26 8.94
1–3 times per week 13(37.1) 22(62.9) <0.001 6.80 3.31 13.95
Daily 17(58.6) 12(41.4) 0.008 2.84 1.31 6.13
Cigarette smoking Yes 11(19.0) 47(81.0) <0.001 15.31 7.75 30.26
No 534(78.2) 149(21.8) Reference
Mental distress Yes 193(60.3) 127(39.7) <0.001 3.36 2.39 4.72
No 352(83.6) 69(16.4) Reference
Risk of sexual behavior Yes 180(59.5) 122(40.5) <0.001 0.29 0.21 0.42
No 364(83.3) 73(16.7) Reference