Figure 3: Concurrent oncogenic STAT5- and ERK-activation subverts B-cell leukemogenesis.
a, Western blotting following Dox-induced expression of Stat5aCA or NRASG12D in IL7-dependent mouse pro-B cells. b, FACS plots and Western blots of hIL2Rβ-TetO-NRASG12D mouse pro-B cells following the indicated treatments (Dox, 24 hr; hIL2, 15 min., 50 ng/μL). c,d, Colony formation (c, P=1.9E-05, two-tailed t-test) and viable cell counts (d, mean, ±s.d.) of hIL2Rβ-TetO-NRASG12D mouse pro-B cells treated with Dox, hIL2 (10 ng/μL), or a combination of both. Data from 3 independent experiments (a-d). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1.