Table 2.
Clinical | Distributed |
“It can’t be imposed by the board. Something like genomics needs to be owned by the clinicians for it to succeed. So, you need to have people who are going to drive it.” SL5 GM “I think [genomics] should be led by our clinical geneticists, with the specialties…. I think having a genomics champion in a way that helps other—gets other people onto to the lifeboat with us, I think is good.” MP5 GN |
“So, it’s—I think everyone having their area of responsibility, so people have to have purpose, they have to feel that they own something.” SL11 GN “My aim would be that this is something that any member of my team can be part of. And so I might do one in three clinics, for example and my colleagues would do the other two of three. Because then we all learn and we all expand our knowledge base. I think for a junior consultant, they will be more aware of genetics than I ever was as a junior consultant.” MP15 GM |
Senior | Entrepreneurial |
“I think the main driver is probably the unit head, and I think they probably have a lot to do with every organization, so if you’ve got someone who is quite motivated, on top, then there’ll be some kind of support change and then sort of being encouraging of what happens around that.” MP14 GN “We just have a particularly visionary chief executive here who’s very good at pushing ahead on all sorts of fronts. It’s person-dependent in that respect. Because if you’ve got a good CEO, things are happening.” SL13 GM |
“[Organizations] are very flexible, agile. I don’t think there’s one thing that we’re good at and I mean, the critical issue is actually doing it, and being prepared to learn as you go and adapt processes.” SL4 GM “[We need] a militant arm that’s designed or whatever, at least in the early stages of establishment to do the advocacy.” MP16 GN “I’ve been involved with it from the start I guess at the start particularly when there wasn’t very much clarity around because—partly because nobody really knew what the outcomes were going to be or what we were working towards it was kind of a toe in the water.” SL1 GN |