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. 2020 Mar 24;49(3):764–775. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyaa031

Table 2.

Pair-level demographic and clinical characteristics for the Hamburg outbreak

Covariate Level n (%) of all pairs
(n = 3633)
City Same city 2148 (59.1%)
Different city 1485 (40.9%)
Nationality Both German 2129 (58.6%)
Same foreign country 19 (0.5%)
One German, one foreign country 1315 (36.2%)
Different foreign countries 170 (4.7%)
Sex Male to male 2401 (66.1%)
Female to female 120 (3.3%)
Male to female 757 (20.8%)
Female to male 355 (9.8%)
Age group Same age group 695 (19.1%)
Different age group 2938 (80.9%)
Smear status Infector smear– 2339 (64.4%)
Infector smear+ 1294 (35.6%)
HIVa status Infector HIV– 3463 (95.3%)
Infector HIV+ 170 (4.7%)
Substance abuse Both yes 1372 (37.8%)
Both no 526 (14.5%)
Different 1735 (47.8%)
Residence Both permanent 2473 (68.1%)
Both homeless 105 (2.9%)
Different 1055 (29.0%)
Affiliation to alcohol-consuming milieu/street scene Both affiliated 2062 (56.8%)
Both not affiliated 210 (5.8%)
Different 1361 (37.5%)
Observation time difference <1 year 546 (15.0%)
1–2 years 485 (13.3%)
2–3 years 374 (10.3%)
3–4 years 305 (8.4%)
>4 years 1923 (52.9%)
SNPb distance <2 SNPs 796 (21.9%)
2–12 SNPs 2452 (67.5%)
>12 SNPs 385 (10.6%)
Confirmed contact Yes 51 (1.4%)
No 408 (11.2%)
Unknown 3174 (87.4%)

Human immunodeficiency virus.


Single nucleotide polymorphism.