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. 2020 May 29;20(4):816–841. doi: 10.3758/s13415-020-00804-6

Table 1.

Papers investigating neuroimaging in major depressive disorder (MDD) within the subtype of reward liking, in the order they appear in the results section

Author Reward task Sample characteristics Mean depression and anhedonia scores Diagnostic criteria Neuroimaging abnormality
Knutson et al., 2008 Monetary incentive delay task (MID) 14 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) v 12 healthy controls (HCs)

Beck Depression Inventory–II (BDI-II) 25.38

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria Recruit ACC more during anticipation of increasing gains, opposite to controls
Pizzagalli et al., 2009 MID 30 unmedicated MDD v 31 HCs

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) 17.97

BDI-II 27.48

Anhedonia present and assessed using BDI-II subscale, but score not reported

Met DSM-IV criteria NAc and caudate hypoactivation for rewards, and caudate hypoactivation for losses
Sankar et al., 2019 MID 20 female MDD v 20 HCs

HAM-D 14.88

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria Did not show activation in right anterior insula in response to gains and losses, unlike controls
Forbes et al., 2009 Monetary reward guessing task 15 adolescents with MDD v 28 adolescent HCs

No HAM-D or BDI score provided

No anhedonia score provided

Diagnosis assessed by K-SADS-PL, confirmed by interview with child psychiatrist Caudate hypoactivation, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and mPFC hyperactivation for rewards, correlating with lower positive affect
Redlich et al., 2015 Card guessing 33 MDD v 33 bipolar disorder v 34 HCs

HAM-D 24.56

BDI 27.88

Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS) 6.26 (HCs 0.52), binary scoring system where higher scores indicated higher anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria NAc hypoactivation for rewards, and increased coupling with ventral tegmental area (VTA)
Foti et al., 2014 Monetary reward guessing task 24 MDD v 18 HCs MASQ depression subscale 38.09 MASQ anhedonia subscale 64.36 (HCs 40.00) Met DSM-IV criteria VS hypoactivation for reward, correlating with impaired mood reactivity
Satterthwaite et al., 2015 Card guessing 25 MDD v 27 bipolar v 37 HCs

BDI-II 21.75

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria Hypoactivation in VS, cingulate and insula for rewards, correlating with depression severity
Steele et al., 2007 Card guessing 15 MDD v 14 HCs

HAM-D 27.5

BDI 36.9

SH 33.8 (HCs 51.9), where higher scores indicated lower anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria ACC hypoactivation for negative feedback, VS hypoactivation for positive feedback
Carl et al., 2016 MID 33 MDD v 20 HCs

BDI-II 25.27

Anhedonia assessed using BDI-II subscale score 4.91

Met DSM-IV criteria Faster NAc attenuation to rewards
Moses-Kolko et al., 2011 Card guessing 12 post-partum MDD v 12 HCs

HAM-D 21.3

FCPS 126.3 (HCs 139.9)

Met DSM-IV criteria, HAM-D score ≤15 in past month Faster VS attenuation to rewards
Epstein et al., 2006 Positive and negative word stimuli 10 MDD v 12 HCs

No HAM-D or BDI score provided

Anhedonia assessed with 1 question on HAM-D, score not provided

Met DSM-IV criteria Ventral striatum (VS) hypoactivation for positive stimuli, correlating with anhedonia
Connolly et al., 2015 Affective pictorial stimuli 51 female unmedicated MDD v 61 HCs

IDS-C score 25.43

Anhedonia score from average of two IDS-C items 1.71 (HCs 0.02)

Met DSM-IV criteria Striatal hypoactivation for affective stimuli, across caudate, putamen and nucleus accumbens (NAc)
Antonesei et al., 2018 Gustatory reward stimuli 26 MDD v 33 HCs No HAM-D, BDI or anhedonia score provided. Not reported Left caudate hypoactivation in response to targets predicting rewarding stimuli
Keedwell et al., 2005 Happy and sad emotional stimuli 12 MDD v 12 HCs

BDI 33.5

Fawcett-Clark Pleasure Scale (FCPS) 63.3 (HCs not provided)

Met ICD-10 criteria Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) hyperactivation and VS hypoactivation for happy stimuli, correlating with anhedonia
Osuch et al., 2009 Listening to favourite music 16 MDD v 15 HCs

BDI 25.3

SHAPS 36.4 (significantly lower than HCs), where higher SHAPS scores indicated lower anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria Hypoactivation of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and VS for music
Jenkins et al., 2018 Listening to preferred music 12 MDD v 10 HCs

HAM-D 15.08

SHAPS 6.67 (HCs 0.00), binary scoring system where higher SHAPS scores indicated higher anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria Faster attenuation of NAc activation
Johnston et al., 2015 Instrumental loss-avoidance and win-gain task 20 treatment resistant MDD v 20 HCs

HAM-D 16.00

BDI-II 32.42

No anhedonia score provided

Clinical diagnosis in tertiary service for treatment resistant MDD Striatal hyperactivation for rewards, less hippocampal deactivation for losses
Forbes et al., 2006 Probabilistic reward task 14 MDD v 17 HCs, all aged 9–17

No HAM-D or BDI score provided

No anhedonia score provided

Diagnosis assessed using K-SADS-PL, met DSM-IV criteria Hypoactivation of ACC, caudate and OFC, and hyperactivation of amygdala
Keren et al., 2018 Meta-analysis 38 fMRI studies NA NA Striatal hypoactivation for rewards
Zhang et al., 2013 Meta-analysis 22 fMRI studies NA NA Caudate hypoactivation for rewards
McCabe et al., 2009 Sight and flavour of pleasant and aversive foods 13 remitted MDD v 14 HCs

HAM-D 2.3

BDI 5.5

FCPS 118 (HCs 118), no significant difference

SHAPS 23 (HCs 19.25), no significant difference

Met DSM-IV criteria for at least 1 past major depressive episode (MDE), no current Axis I psychopathology VS hypoactivation for pleasant stimuli, and caudate hypoactivation for unpleasant stimuli
Ubl, Kuehner, Kirsch, Ruttorf, Diener, et al., 2015b Probabilistic reward task 30 unmedicated MDD v 29 HCs

HAM-D 18.40

BDI-II 25.50

SHAPS 42.93 (HCs 49.29), where higher SHAPS scores indicated lower anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria No difference in striatal activation for rewards
Engelmann et al., 2017 Probabilistic reward task 19 unmedicated MDD v 23 HCs

No HAM-D or BDI score provided

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria Increased coding of losses in anterior insula
Mitterschiffthaler et al., 2003 Positive and negative valenced images 7 females with MDD and high anhedonia v 7 HCs

BDI 33.6

FCPS 2.90 (HCs 4.14)

Met DSM-IV criteria, full criteria met over period of ≥2 years. Hypoactivation of mPFC, and hyperactivation of inferior frontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), thalamus, putamen and insula for positive images
Kumar et al., 2015 MID 12 MDD v 10 HCs

BDI-II 25.25

SHAPS 5.42 (HCs 0.40), binary scoring system where higher scores indicated higher anhedonia

Met DSM-IV criteria Hyperactivation of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) for rewards under stress, greatest with previous adverse life events
Dichter et al., 2012 MID 19 remitted MDD v 19 HCs

BDI 2.63

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria for remitted MDD no current Axis I psychopathology Hypoactivation in OFC, frontal pole, thalamus and insula for rewards
McCabe, 2016 Subjective ratings of oral stimuli 13 remitted MDD v 14 HCs

HAM-D 2.3

BDI 5.5

FCPS 118 (HCs 118), no significant difference

SHAPS 23 (HCs 19.25), no significant difference

Met DSM-IV criteria for at least 1 past Major Depressive Episode (MDE), recovery assessed through clinical interview and HAM-D score <8 Negative correlation of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) with liking of stimuli
Schiller et al., 2013 MID 19 remitted MDD v 19 HCs

BDI-II 2.6

No anhedonia score provided

Met DSM-IV criteria for remitted MDD, no current Axis I psychopathology Superior frontal and inferior frontal hypoactivation for losses
Morgan et al., 2016 Card guessing 43 boys with history of MDD v 68 with history of other psychiatric illnesses v 55 HCs

MAFQ 6.27

No anhedonia score provided

Diagnosis assessed using K-SADS at ages 8, 10, 11, 12, and using DSM-IV at age 20 Increased connectivity from the mPFC to striatal areas for rewards
Young et al., 2016 Listening to pleasant music 25 MDD v 25 HCs

HAM-D 26.57

Anhedonia subscale of Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire (MASQ), MASQ-AD 61.81 (HCs 39.27)

Met DSM-IV criteria Reduced connectivity from posterior vmPFC to other frontostriatal areas, including the OFC, insula, NAc, and VTA, during music, correlating with anhedonia