Figure 2.
Transcriptomic profile of colonic mucosa upon MS diet feeding. mRNA-seq was performed on RNA from colonic mucosa (n = 4 for CTR, n = 4 for MS diet). (a) Heat-map showing the differentially expressed genes between the both groups (DeSeq2 stat, p < 0.05). (b) Volcano plot showing the significantly misregulated genes in MS diet, compared to control diet. (c) Number of misregulated genes harboring CpG islands within their promoter. (d) KEGG pathways analysis of up- and down-regulated genes in MS diet group, compared to control diet-fed group. (e) Quantification of expression levels of 5 genes of interest: chitinase like 3, S100A8 (Calprotectin subunit), Fut4, B3gat1 and Lyz2 genes. Mann–Whitney test. *p < 0.05.