Fig. 2.
Measuring and analyzing the decline in plasma viral load in SHIV-infected rhesus macaques following administration of 117/1,400-WT or 117/1,400-Null. (A) SHIV.A.BG505-infected rhesus macaques were treated with 117/1,400-WT (red) or 117/1,400-Null (green). Plasma ΔVL is shown for each monkey. The decay slope, calculated on a natural log scale, is also shown as an Inset in each panel along with its rank order. (B) Mean decay slopes for the WT and Null groups. (C) Magnitude of plasma ΔVL from 0–8, 16, 24, and 36 h postantibody treatment. Lines represent mean ± SD, and P values were calculated by a two-tailed t test.