Fig. 1.
Observed departure of salt-affected basins from the classic Budyko’s framework. (A) Classification of world drainage basins by average level of salinization () based on salinity data from the HWSD (34). (B and C) Australian sub-basins categorized by salinization level (B) and hydro-climatic forcing (C; Results and Discussion, Observed Partitioning in Saline River Basins and ref. 35). (D and E) Observed terrestrial water balance of unaffected (D) and salt-affected (E) sub-basins of Australia. Catchment-scale evaporative fraction, , and dryness index, , are inferred from AWAP data (Materials and Methods; dots) and contrasted with the theoretical Budyko’s curves obtained via the stochastic water-balance method introduced by Porporato et al., 2004 (P04; ref. 36). The P04’s theoretical curves do not account for salinity effects on hydrological partitioning.