Fig. 1. Caspase-8 distribution in striatal neurons.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of double-label immunofluorescence for CASP-8 (visualized in red fluorescence) and the Nissl-like fluorescent marker Neurotrace (visualized in green fluorescence). a–l Images show the expression levels of the canonical apoptotic marker Caspase 8 in the striatum of 4 and 13 weeks old wild-type mice and in 4 and 13 weeks old R6/2 mice. m, n Bonferroni analysis revealed a significant decrease of striatal cleavage product of Casp-8 positive neurons number, as evaluated by western blotting in 13-week-old Wt and R6/2 mice [genotype effect F1,36 = 6554; P < 0.05; Time effect F1,36 = 35,89; P < 0.001].