(A) Representative gating strategy used to identify Th17 cells and Tc17 cells in the decidua parietalis and decidua basalis.
(B and C) Frequency of Th17 cells in the (B) decidua parietalis (n = 11–28 per group) or (C) decidua basalis (n = 13–28 per group) of women with PTNL, iPTL, iPTL+CI, or PTL+AI.
(D and E) Frequency of Th17 cells in the (D) decidua parietalis (n = 13–19 per group) or (E) decidua basalis (n = 13–19 per group) of women with TNL, TIL, TIL+CI, or TIL+AI.
(F and G) Frequency of Tc17 cells in the (F) decidua parietalis (n = 11–28 per group) or (G) decidua basalis (n = 13–28 per group) of women with PTNL, iPTL, iPTL+CI, or PTL+AI.
(H and I) Frequency of Tc17 cells in the (H) decidua parietalis (n = 13–19 per group) or (I) decidua basalis (n = 13–19 per group) of women with TNL, TIL, TIL+CI, or TIL+AI.
Data are represented as medians with interquartile and minimum/maximum ranges. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population are shown in Table S2.