Figure 4 [non-color]: Transcriptome of the choroidal vasculature in infants versus adults.
Differential expression analysis was performed between cells originating from infant versus adult libraries in choriocapillaris (A), arterial (B), and venous (C) choroidal endothelial cells. The y-axis depicts log fold-change difference of each gene between infants and adults, with positive values equating to higher expression in infants. The x-axis depicts the percentage of cells that express each gene in infant populations minus adult populations (delta percent). For example, if 50% of choriocapillaris endothelial cells in infants express a given gene while only 10% of adult choriocapillaris endothelial cells express the gene, the delta percent is 0.4 (40%). Genes with an absolute log fold enrichment of greater than 1.15 and an absolute delta percent greater than 0.15 are labeled in each cell type.