Figure 5.
mPRα mediates the inhibitory effect of P4/Org on lung adenocarcinoma cells. (a) The growth curves of PC‐9/PC‐9‐mPRα− cells treated with 20 μM P4/Org for different times (24, 48, and 72 hours), as detected by a CCK‐8 assay () PC‐9, (
) PC‐9+P4, (
) PC‐9+Org, (
) PC‐9‐mPRα−, (
) PC‐9‐mPRα−+P4, (
) PC‐9+mPRα−+Org. (b) Effects of 20 μM P4/Org treatment on the formation of PC‐9 and PC‐9‐mPRα− cell colonies. (c) Analysis of the results of colony formation experiments (n = 3) (
) Control, (
) P4, (
) Org. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01.