Figure 3.
Transcript levels of ZjSWEET2.2 in different tissues of jujube and phenotypic characteristics of fruits at different development stages. (A) Transcript levels of ZjSWEET2.2 in phloem, root, flowers, leaves, and fruit. (B) Transcript levels of ZjSWEET2.2 in peel and flesh of three different jujube varieties. (C) White mature fruit and (D) half-red fruit on jujube tree. (E) Four different development stages of jujube fruits (Y, young fruit; EN, enlargement stage; WH, white mature stage; HF, half-red stage). (F) Changes in relative transcript levels of ZjSWEET2.2 during fruit development. Three biological replicates were analyzed. Error bars represent SE. Asterisks indicate significant difference as determined by Student’s t-test (**P < 0.01; *P < 0.05).