Table 2.
Pharmacokinetic Parameters Following Oral Administration of ASDs and Dio (n = 6)
Parameter | Dio | PM | Dio-C-ASD | Dio-M-ASD | Dio-F-ASD |
AUC0-t(μg/L*h) | 9167.87±4168.42 | 11,037.87±7350.23 | 52,239.26±18,464.56** | 40,727.418±1561.36* | 14,631.44±4848.35 |
AUC0-∞(μg/L*h) | 9275.51±4225.99 | 11,333.60±7529.67 | 53,490.51±19,648.62** | 41,535.50±1607.51* | 14,967.91±5146.81 |
MRT0-t(h) | 21.67±4.66 | 22.68±4.32 | 21.83±3.30 | 20.22±2.68 | 22.22±7.24 |
t1/2z(h) | 12.33±3.02 | 9.08±2.37* | 10.61±1.99 | 11.43±1.99* | 9.15±5.33* |
Tmax(h) | 8.50±5.44 | 12.50±6.68 | 11.00±2.45 | 9.00±3.28 | 12.00±0.45 |
CLz/F(L/h/kg) | 12.11±6.52 | 12.51±4.79 | 2.18±1.11** | 2.79±1.21* | 7.28±2.18* |
Vz/F(L/kg) | 231.16±161.21 | 162.03±72.32 | 31.88±12.94** | 44.88±17.46* | 91.59±51.89* |
Cmax(μg/L) | 552.96±294.54 | 581.03±83.30 | 1742.65±491.46** | 1443.50±511.96* | 689.776±140.79 |
Notes: Statistically significant compared with the Dio: *P<0.05, **P<0.01.