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. 2020 Jul;8(14):850. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-1023

Table 2. Interocular comparison of IHOA.

Variable OD OS P value
Mean/centroid SD (μm) Mean/centroid SD (μm)
IHOA 0.212 μm 0.17 0.166 μm 0.06 0.017*
Coma 0.09 μm@86° 0.16 0.06 μm@88° 0.10 0.017*
Trefoil 0.06 μm@64° 0.15 0.04 μm@61° 0.08 0.045*
Spherical −0.001 μm 0.05 −0.017 μm 0.05 0.066
SA 0.02 μm@68° 0.06 0.01 μm@3° 0.04 0.159

*, statistically significant. OD, right eye; OS, left eye; SD, standard deviation; IHOA, internal higher order aberration; SA, secondary astigmatism; μm, micrometer.