Figure 5.
Genetic link between iron transport, luteolin, and SDS hypersensitivity. (a) The vps13Δ growth defect on SDS media is suppressed by FET4 overexpression and by luteolin. Growth of vps13Δ strain bearing a plasmid expressing FET4 from native or GPD promoter, or empty vector, was compared with respective controls by drop test on YPD, YPD + SDS 0.025%, and YPD + SDS 0.025% + luteolin 25 µM plates. Images were taken after 2 or 3 days of incubation. (b) Mutants defective in iron transport are hypersensitive to SDS; this phenotype is suppressed by luteolin. Growth of fet3Δ, fet4Δ, arn1Δ, arn2Δ, sit1Δ, fre1Δ, fre2Δ, and enb1Δ strains on YPD, YPD + SDS 0.03%, and YPD + SDS 0.03%+luteolin 25 µM plates was compared with wild-type and vps13Δ controls by drop test. Images were taken after 2 or 4 days of incubation.