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. 2020 Aug 3;7(4):232–239. doi: 10.1016/j.aimed.2020.07.006

Table 1.

Summary of studies examining the effect of NAC in acute viral respiratory infections humans.

Author Country WHO Region (see WHO tab) Design (eg Cohort, cross-sectional) Study duration Study Population / Disease or Condition Administration of NAC Dose Duration of Treatment Control or Placebo Total Number of Subjects N in intervetion and placebo Measure of Outcome Outcome
Bernard, et al. [3] USA, Canada The Region of the Americas DBPC RCT March 17, 1992 to Feb 26, 1993 ICU, diagnosed with ARDS and needing ventilation IV solution of 10 % NAC diluted with 5% dextrose in water 70 mg (0.4 mol)/kg body weight; OTZ, 63 mg (0.4 mol)/kg of body weight 30 min., every 8 h for a total of 30 doses during a 10-day treatment period Placebo (5%dextrose in water) n = 48 NAC: n = 14 OTZ: n = 17 Placebo: n = 15 RBC glutathione levels NAC: increased from baseline 47 % (p < .05)
OTZ: not significant
Placebo: not significant
Mortality No difference
Organ-failure free days No difference
Domenighetti, et al. [4] Switzerland European PC RCT 16-month period ICU patients diagnosed with ARDS IV solution 190 mg/kg/day of NAC or placebo Continuous infusion over the first 3 days Placebo (saline) n = 42 NAC: n = 22; Placebo: n = 20 Incidence of ventilatory support No difference
PaO2/FIO2 No difference
Lung Injury Score NAC: 1.53 (SD 0.21)
Placebo: 2.15 (SD 0.19)
(p < .04)
Chest radiograph No difference
Howe, et al. [5] America USA The Region of the Americas DBPC RCT ICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation Enterally administered antioxidant supplementation via a bolus Group 1: 5 mL dose of placebo; Group 2: 5 mL dose of vitamin E (100IU) and 5 mL dose of placebo; Group 3: rml dose of vitamin C (1000 mg), 5 mL dose of vitamin E (1000IU) and 5 mL dose of NAC (400 mg) Bolus given every 8 h for 28 days or until they were weaned from mechanical ventilation (whichever was shorter) Placebo n = 72 C + E+NAC: n = 23; Placebo: n = 22; C + E n = 27 All-cause mortality No difference
Days in ICU No difference
Days in hospital No difference
Number of days on mechanical ventilation C + E group: Mean, 10 days
C + E+NAC: Mean, 12 days
Placebo: Mean, 19 days
(p = .02)
Jepsen, et al. [6] Denmark and Sweden European DBPC RCT ICU patients diagnosed with ARDS IV solution NAC 150 mg/kg as a loading dose and then 20 mg/kg/hr Initial dose was given for 30 min. on day one. Then continuous for the next 6 days Placebo n = 66 NAC: n = 32; Placebo: n = 34 Adverse events NAC: a rash was observed in one patient after the loading dose.
Oxygenation No difference
Administration of corticosteriods, prostaglandin E1 or NSAIDs No difference
Time taken to recover from ARDS No difference
Chest radiographs No difference
Lai, et al. [1] Hong Kong South East Asia Case report Not applicable One patient diagnosed with novel H1N1 influenza pneumonia, septic shock, type 1 respiratory failure IV solution NAC 100 mg/kg continuous IV infusion for 3 days. Intial treatment with norepinephrine infusion, hdyrozortisone for septic shock. Oral oseltamivir 75 mg twice daily, IV antibiotics next day. Next day, oseltamivir 150 mg BD, IV NAC daily for 3 days. None n = 1 n = 1 Patient improved rapidly after high dose NAC therapy plus antiviral medications.
CRP concentrations were also seen to decrease with the introduction of NAC high dose.
Laurent, et al. [7] Switzerland European DB PC RCT ICU patients diagnosed with severe ARDS IV solution 190 mg/kg/day of NAC Continuous infusion over the first 3 days Placebo (isotonic saline solution) n = 16 NAC n = 8; Placebo n = 8 Unstimulated oxygen radical production No difference
Granulocyte GSH Significantly higher in the NAC group compared to placebo (p < 0.01). Difference was abolished by day 5 (all treatment stopped on day 3).
Elastase release No difference
Moradi, et al. [8] Iran Eastern Mediterranean SB PC RCT July 2005 and April 2006 Ventilated ICU patients with ALI/ARDS IV solution 150 mg/kg at first day, followed by 50 mg/kg for 3 days Initial dose was given for day one, then followed by continuous infusions for 3 days Placebo (5%dextrose in water) n = 30 NAC: n = 14; Placebo: n = 13 Mortality rate NAC: 35.7 %; Placebo: 76.9 % (p = .03)
Duration of mechanical ventilation No difference
Length of ICU stay No difference
PaO2/FiO2 (Day 2) NAC: 227.3 (SD 23.9); Placebo: 155.0 (SD 15.5) (p = .02)
PaO2/FiO2 (Day 3) NAC: 344.0 (SD 38.3); Placebo: 166.5 (SD 119.0) (p < .001)
PaO2/FiO2 (Day 4) NAC: 440.9 (SD 47.5); Placebo: 151.2 (SD 24.6) (p < .001)
Ortolani, et al. [11] Italy European RCT May 1995 to October 1997 ICU patients, diagnosed early ARDS requiring ventilation IV solution of 5% NAC diluted with 5% dextrose in water alone or combined with Rutin 0.5 % NAC 50 mg/kg OR NAC 50 mg/kg + Rutin 5 mg/kg every 8 h 9 days (trial length) then as long as artificial ventilation was needed Control 250 mL 5% dextrose in water n = 36 NAC: n = 12; NAC + Rutin: n = 12; Control: n = 12; Oxidised and total glutathione in epithelial lining fluid (ELF) No difference
Oxygenation NAC: Improved
Lipid peroxidation (ethane expiration) [Day 9]
NAC: reduced 43 %
NAC + Rutin: reduced 46 %
Placebo: reduced 15 % (p < .01)
Polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell count in ELF NAC: Reduced 50 %
NAC + Rutin: Reduced 30 %
Placebo: No change
(p < .05)
Mortality [day 9 and day 30] No difference
Sharafkhah, et al. [9] Iran Eastern Mediterranean DBPC RDT March 2014 to June 2016 Adult ICU admitted patients undergoing endotracheal intu-bation and mechanical ventilation NAC (600 mg; water-soluble tablets) through nasogastric tube Twice daily Administered within the first 12 h of mechanical ventilation after hospital admission, and continued until performing extubation, tracheostomy, discharge, or death. Placebo (water-soluble vitamin tablets) n = 60 NAC: n = 30; Placebo: n = 30 Incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia NAC: 26.6 %
Placebo: 46.6 %
(p = .032)
Time to recovery Patients who survived in the treatment group showed a more rapid recovery compared with the control group.
Incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) Patients treated with NAC were significantly less likely to develop clinically confirmed VAP compared with patients treated with placebo.
Time to VAP (days) NAC: 6.42 (SD 1.9)
Placebo: 3.46 (SD 2.53)
(p = .002)
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days) No difference
ICU stay (days) NAC: 14.36 (SD 4.69)
Placebo: 17.81 (SD 6.37)
(p = .028)
Hospital stay (days) NAC: 19.23 (SD 5.54
Placebo: 24.61 (SD 6.81)
(p = .030)
Recovery rate of VAP Complete - NAC: 56.6%; Placebo: 30% (p = .006)
Modest – no difference
Lack – NAC: 10.0%; Placebo: 26.6% (p = .040)
Death: no difference
Adverse events No adverse events related to NAC were identified.
Soltan-Sharifi, et al. [2] Iran Eastern Mediterranean Controlled clinical trial 24 July 2005 and 30 April 2006 ICU patients with Illness known to be associated with ALI/ARDS who required mechanical ventilation "Infused" NAC (150 mg/kg) diluted in 5% dextrose and and 50 mg/kg/day diluted in 5% dextrose NAC (150 mg/kg) infused for 20 min the first day and then 50 mg/kg/day for three days. 3 days None n = 24 NAC: n = 14; Control: n = 10 Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE II) score NAC: Increased
Placebo: Decreased
(p < .01)
Intracellular glutathione (GSH) (48 h) NAC: Increased 59 %
Placebo: Decreased 23 %
(p < .001)
GSH/GSSG ratio NAC: Increased (22 vs 64.2)
Placebo: No change
(p < .01)
Total antioxidant power (TAP) (mmol/L) (72 h) NAC: 3.6 (SD 0.38)
Placebo: 1.8 (SD 0.25)
(p = .013)
Suter, et al. [10] Switzerland European DBPC RDT 12- month period Patients with risk factors for ARDS, and presenting with mild-to-moderate acute lung injury Continuous IV infusion NAC 40 mg/kg/day 3 days Placebo n = 61 NAC: n = 32; Placebo: n = 29 Incidence of ventilatory support NAC: Reduced (69 % vs 17 %)
Placebo: Reduced (76 % vs 48 %)
(p = .01)
FiO2 administered NAC: Reduced (0.29 vs 0.48)
Placebo: No difference (0.35 vs 0.48)
(p < .05)
PaO2/FiO2 No difference
Lung injury score NAC: Decreased (1.39 vs 0.67)
Placebo: No difference
(p < .01)
Chest radiograph score NAC: No change at day 3; Decreased at discharge (1.8 vs 1.1)
Placebo: Increased at day 3
(p < .05)
van Meenen, et al. [12] Netherlands European RCT June 22, 2014, to November 24, 2016 ICU patients receiving invasive ventilation Nebulized 5 mL solution (300 mg acetylcysteine) administered alone or in combination with 5 mL solutions containing salbutamol (2.5 mg) On demand nebulization group: 5 ml solutions containing acetylcysteine (300 mg) OR 5 ml solutions containing salbutamol (2.5 mg) dependent on patient presentation. Routine nebulization group: acetylcysteine (300 mg) with salbutamol (2.5 mg) four times daily Maximum 28 days. On demand group were reassessed daily. Routine group - from start to end of invasive ventilation and, in the case of ventilation through a tracheostomy tube, until ventilator support was discontinued for longer than 24 h. None n = 842 On-demand group: n = 389; Routine group: n = 453 Number of ventilator-free days No difference
Mortality No difference
ICU and hospital length of stay No difference
Adverse events Total
On demand: 13.8 %
Routine: 29.3 %
(p < .001)
On demand:
12.5 %
Routine: 25.9 % (p < .001)
On demand: 0.2 %
Routine: 4.3 %
(p < .001)
Zhang, et al. [13] China Western Pacific Region RCT August 2016 and March 2017 All patients admitted to the hospital with community acquired pneumonia Oral 600 mg tablet NAC 1200 mg (600 mg tablet twice daily) 10 days Standard care n = 39 NAC: n = 21; Standard care: n = 18 Malondialdehyde (7 days) NAC: +1.34 (SD 1.35)
Non-NAC: +0.43 (SD 1.28)
(p = .004)
Tumour-necrosis factor-α NAC: +9.5 (SD 3.62)
Non-NAC: 6.25 (SD 3.98)
(p < .001)
Total antioxidant capacity NAC: +4.16 (SD 2.95)
Non-NAC: +1.78 (SD 3.21)
(p = .005)
Superoxide dismutase No difference
CT Image comparison No difference