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. 2020 Aug 3;16:270. doi: 10.1186/s12917-020-02501-5

Table 1.

Results of in vivo faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) in goat herds A & B

Groups FECRT no. 1 – autumn 2017 FECRT no. 2 – autumn 2018 FECRT no. 3 – autumn 2019
Control FBZ IVM LEV Control LEV Control LEV
Herd A
 n 8 8 8 8 10 10
FEC [epg] pre-treatment
 mean ± SD 1769 ± 1396 1713 ± 1259 1731 ± 1278 1394 ± 1341 1175 ± 1212 1940 ± 1883
 median (IQR) 1225 (750–2700) 1225 (888–2363) 1225 (950–2338) 1025 (650–1488) 650 (550–1500) 1350 (513–2763)
 range 250–4250 400–3750 450–3700 250–4400 150–4300 250–6400
FEC [epg] post-treatmenta
 mean ± SD 1606 ± 1384 1250 ± 810 1188 ± 1144 6 ± 18 815 ± 632 40 ± 97
 median (IQR) 925 (763–2225) 1225 (750–2700) 750 (425–1463) 0 (0–0) 650 (375 − 1163) 0 (0–0)
 range 350–4400 250–4250 200–3350 0–50 50–2100 0–300
FECR%-1 [%] (CI 95%) 22 (−70 to 64) (R)b 26 (−89 to 71) (R) 100 (97 to 100) (ND) 95 (75 to 99) (S)
FECR%-2 [%] 27 (R) 31 (R) 100 (ND) 98 (ND)
FECR%-3 [%] 20 (R) 24 (R) 100 (ND) 97 (ND)
Herd B
 n 6 5 5 5 10 10 22 21
FEC [epg] pre-treatment
 mean ± SD 3592 ± 2929 2750 ± 1065 3080 ± 1263 3230 ± 924 4390 ± 2314 6175 ± 3365 2355 ± 1779 2307 ± 1394
 median (IQR) 2900 (1038–6000) 3100 (2500–3250) 3250 (2500–3700) 3550 (2700–3800) 3900 (2863–4763) 4825 (4438–6750) 2000 (875–3650) 2100 (1250–3700)
 range 900 − 7400 1050–3850 1300–4650 1900–4200 2050–10,050 3500–14,750 200–5950 550–4900
FEC [epg] post-treatmenta
 mean ± SD 2658 ± 1404 2950 ± 937 250 ± 252 70 ± 157 4980 ± 2376 665 ± 652 1911 ± 1437 1471 ± 1315
 median (IQR) 2250 (1863–2825) 3000 (2250–3200) 100 (50–500) 0 (0–0) 4275 (4075–5038) 400 (225–913) 1500 (800–2788) 1350 (600–1950)
 range 1400–5300 1950–4350 50–550 0–350 2250–11,000 0–2000 200–5300 0–5300
FECR%-1 [%] (CI 95%) –11 (−88 to 35) (R) 91 (74 to 97) (R) 97 (79 to 100) (ND) 87 (73 to 93) (R) 23 (−29 to 54) (R)
FECR%-2 [%] –7 (R) 92 (R) 98 (ND) 89 (R) 36 (R)
FECR%-3 [%] −45 (R) 89 (ND) 97 (ND) 91 (ND) 21 (R)

n number of animals in the group

FBZ fenbendazole, IVM ivermectin, LEV levamisole

FEC faecal egg count, epg eggs per gram, FECR% faecal egg count reduction percentage

a 14 days post-treatment in the autumn 2017, 5–7 days post-treatment in the autumn 2018 and 2019

b anthelmintic resistance: R – confirmed, S – suspected, ND – not detected